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Connected Safety for Renewable Energy Workers



The renewable energy sector is rapidly growing and transforming the global energy landscape, driven by the urgent need to mitigate climate change, enhance energy security, and harness clean and sustainable sources of power.

This sector encompasses a diverse range of technologies, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and bioenergy, each playing a crucial role in the transition towards a low-carbon economy.

Solar Energy: Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems convert sunlight directly into electricity, offering a clean and abundant source of energy. The deployment of solar PV installations, both utility-scale and distributed, has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by declining costs and supportive policies.

Wind Energy: Wind turbines harness the kinetic energy of wind to generate electricity, making wind energy one of the most cost-effective and rapidly deployable renewable energy sources. Advancements in turbine technology, coupled with favorable wind resources, have propelled the growth of onshore and offshore wind farms worldwide.

Hydroelectric Power: Hydroelectric power plants utilize the gravitational force of flowing water to spin turbines and generate electricity. While large-scale hydropower projects have been operational for decades, there is a growing focus on small-scale and pumped-storage hydropower facilities to enhance flexibility and energy storage capabilities.

Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy harnesses the heat from the Earth's interior to generate electricity or provide direct heating and cooling solutions. This renewable source is particularly valuable for its baseload power generation capabilities and potential for district heating and cooling applications.

Bioenergy: Bioenergy encompasses a range of technologies that convert organic matter, such as agricultural residues, forestry waste, and dedicated energy crops, into various forms of energy, including electricity, heat, and biofuels. Advanced bioenergy technologies, like second-generation biofuels and biogas, offer promising pathways for sustainable energy production.



Blackline has a solution to mitigate risks for renewable energy production workers that begins with connected wearable gas detectors to help protect them from potentially deadly gas exposures. These devices also offer critical lone-worker capabilities, such as fall and no-motion detection, missed check-in alarms, and an SOS latch for immediate assistance. The second level adds additional protection for the safety of your entire operations, keeping teams aware of potential dangers in real-time when they arise. Together these connected gas detection solutions help to ensure your team's safety until the end of their day at work.

Segurança do trabalhador solitário Detecção de gás pessoal Monitoramento de área
G7c-frente de trabalhador solitário2 g7c-multigas-g7x-detector de gás único

G7 EXO monitor de área

Lone workers such as operators and technicians often work independently within the renewable energy industry and may require immediate assistance if an incident occurs.


With various hazards in the renewable energy industry and the requirement for confined space entries, workers need a connected safety solution like a G7 to ensure they are always safe. 


When it comes to monitoring the air quality in a facility, no other product compares to the G7 EXO which deploys in minutes, delivering reliable connectivity for 100+ days, even in the harshest conditions. 


Renewable Energy Toxic and Combustible Gas Hazards

  • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - This toxic gas can be released from geothermal power plants and biogas facilities that use organic matter as fuel. Exposure can cause respiratory issues, dizziness, and even death at high concentrations.
  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2) - Another toxic gas that can be present in geothermal and biodiesel production processes.
  • Ammonia (NH3) - Potentially released during biomass processing for bioenergy production, ammonia is a toxic gas that can cause respiratory issues and eye irritation.


Combustible Gases:

  • Methane (CH4) - A combustible gas produced during anaerobic digestion in biogas facilities and from the decomposition of biomass.
  • Hydrogen (H2) - An explosive gas that may be present in hydrogen fuel production processes for renewable electricity generation and industrial applications like steel production.
  • Hexane - A highly flammable solvent used in some biodiesel production processes, posing a fire and explosion risk
  • Combustible dusts - Biomass materials like wood pellets or agricultural residues can create combustible dust hazards if not properly handled and contained.

Renewables are set to surpass coal as the largest electricity source by early 2025

(IEA's Report)

Renewable Energy Lone Worker Risks

  • Workers in the wind energy sector often have to work at significant heights while inspecting, maintaining, or repairing wind turbines. Falls from heights pose a severe risk of injury or fatality, especially for lone workers without immediate assistance.
  • Certain renewable energy operations, such as hydroelectric plants, may require workers to enter confined spaces with limited access and egress points. These confined spaces can pose risks of asphyxiation, entrapment, or exposure to hazardous atmospheres.
  • Renewable energy workers frequently work with heavy machinery, high-voltage equipment, and rotating components, which can pose risks of entanglement, electrocution, or crushing injuries, particularly for lone workers without supervision.
  • Many renewable energy sites are exposed to harsh weather conditions, such as high winds, extreme temperatures, or precipitation, which can increase the risk of accidents or injuries for lone workers.
  • Lone workers in the renewable energy sector may have to travel long distances to reach remote sites, increasing their exposure to transportation-related risks, such as vehicle accidents or breakdowns. To mitigate these risks, employers in the renewable energy sector must implement robust safety protocols, provide comprehensive training, and utilize appropriate personal protective equipment and communication systems to ensure the well-being of their lone workers.

Discover two gas sensors critical for safety in the Renewable Energy industry.

A conectividade e o software para proteger ainda mais sua equipe.

Blackline’s connected safety and robust software offering provide the renewable energy industry with solutions that offer ultimate protection from worksite hazards and help you run a more efficient operation.

Segurança de próximo nível - O portal online Blackline Live permite que você gerencie seus dispositivos de segurança conectada G7, monitore suas instalações e o bem-estar de sua força de trabalho em tempo real, responda a emergências e informe sobre os dados coletados. A simples conformidade não é mais suficiente.

Visibilidade inigualável - O Blackline Analytics fornece uma visão completa da conformidade, uso e dados de alerta de sua frota de segurança conectada em uma única ferramenta fácil de usar. Analise dados históricos e em tempo real para antecipar situações potencialmente perigosas e evitar que incidentes aconteçam.

Maior produtividade - Os dispositivos conectados fornecem dados que podem descobrir oportunidades para aumentar a eficiência operacional, oferecendo o potencial de economizar milhões em receitas perdidas.

Respostas otimizadas - O monitoramento abrangente da segurança e as notificações em massa dão a você um controle completo e rápido da evacuação e do gerenciamento de emergência.

Sempre à postos – o Centro de Operações de Segurança interno da Blackline conta com uma equipe, 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, de agentes de monitoramento profissionalmente treinados e focados exclusivamente em garantir a segurança de seu pessoal.

Os dispositivos conectados que você precisa para uma segurança inigualável.

Com o abrangente conjunto de dispositivos de segurança Blackline, você obtém um ecossistema completo que não deixa ao acaso nenhum aspecto da segurança do trabalhador ou do local de trabalho. Quer você precise de monitoramento de segurança pessoal, detecção de gás ou monitoramento de área, cada solução G7 oferece conectividade turn-key e versatilidade.

Proteção confiável - Monitoramento de gases combustíveis imune ao envenenamento com detecção de LEL de amplo espectro

Execução eficiente - Conecte-se em minutos onde quer que o dispositivo seja colocado ou usado

Construído para condições extremas - enfrentar condições duras e resistentes, em qualquer local de trabalho, em qualquer parte do mundo

Ready and reliable – The G7 EXO’s100+ days of battery life allows devices to remain in operation longer, reducing the manpower needed to swap batteries or devices and the number of permits required

Conectividade direta com o áudio - Conectividade celular líder na indústria e conectividade via satélite opcional para áreas remotas (por exemplo, traga a ponte de satélite magnética com você de seu caminhão para seu ATV), transmitindo todos os dados diretamente para a nuvem

Baixo custo de propriedade - A vida extra longa da bateria do G7 EXO elimina a necessidade de adquirir monitores extras, economizando dezenas de milhares de dólares. E, com os artigos de desgaste conectados, você pode facilmente localizar um dispositivo perdido

Immediate Awareness - Text and email alerts keep you fully aware of device status and active situations

Sem disparates - Elimine a necessidade de fatores de correção do LEL, minimizando as evacuações desnecessárias e dispendiosas devido a leituras falsas

Maximum flexibility – Thousands of gas detection configurations available in single-gas to five-gas detectors with or without a pump

Uncompromised safety – Extensive person down safety features such as fall detection, missed check-in alarms, an S.O.S. latch to call for immediate assistance and no-motion detection, two-way communications and push-to-talk functionality.


Top Four Workplace Hazards in Renewable Energy – And How to Prevent Them

As our energy spectrum evolves from traditional sources to renewables, the energy workforce will evolve along with it. It may surprise you to know that wind turbine service technician is the second fastest growing occupation, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics



A Enovert, empresa líder em aterros sanitários e gerenciamento de recursos de resíduos, usa Blackline Safety a análise de dados para aprimorar a detecção de gás e a prevenção de exposição.


Prevenir a exposição de gás com uma abordagem de segurança baseada em dados

Empregados com cobertura enfrentam riscos consistentes de exposição a gases no local de trabalho. Veja como esta empresa utiliza os dados para permanecer em conformidade e manter os funcionários seguros.


Mantendo os trabalhadores seguros com uma detecção precisa de gás combustível

Compreender os perigos do gás combustível no local de trabalho e as ferramentas disponíveis para garantir que os trabalhadores estejam protegidos de seus perigos.


Entre em contato conosco para saber mais.